Where to Get Started with Electronic Resources
What is electronicresourceslibrarian.com?
Welcome to ElectronicResourcesLibrarian.com! Managing electronic resources can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to the role of electronic resources librarian or staff. There is often little training when working in electronic resources management (ERM) for the first time, so this website was created to be a guide on where to start in your self-learning journey listing useful tools, resources, and websites.
As ERM is constantly improving, the resources for learning about ERM are changing just as frequently. Periodically, I will add new resources and remove outdated ones. I have had a chance to review and use many of the resources listed in this website but not all, so please be aware listing a resource on the website is not an endorsement. If you have resources you would like to recommend that helped you to learn about or perform your e-resources role, please use the contact form button below to send me your suggestion. If you would like to report any broken links, please use the same contact form.
My experience with ERM so far has been using the LSP, ExLibris Alma, so there are a variety of resources for training in Alma on the learning page. I would love to receive suggestions and links for training resources regarding other LSP, ILS, or ERMS products.
A little background on the stranger who made this site:
My name is Eve Stano, and currently, I am the Collection Strategist for the University of Iowa Libraries. Formerly, I was the Collection Development and Electronic Resources Librarian at Ball State University in Indiana. I started my journey managing e-resources in January 2020, so I started learning about e-resource management at home during the pandemic, which is why I eventually created this site as a shortcut for others new to e-resources. Before Ball State I worked in public libraries, in pretty much every area, and later focused on collection development and now e-resources. I truly hope you find this site useful!
How do I report broken links, suggest new resources or simply get in contact?
Use the contact form button below. This button is available at the bottom of each page.